Monday, September 28, 2009


Right, now for the photos. Some are out of order, but I figure that doesn't make much of a difference.

Mariko and I at 31 flavors.

An Autumn Special sundae cone at 31 flavors.

A couple more selected photos from the Hatagaya festival.

This is me. This is my daikon. La la la.

One of the demo areas at TGS - each one was built to resemble the world of the game it was advertising - this one for Okami's DS port.

Basara is one of the biggest series over here right now - its imagery is everywhere. I even have Basara branded rice.

I think that says it all.

And of course, the obligatory 'girls and military equipment' photo.

This was a group of buskers out in Ikebukuro on the same night Mariko and I met up.

One of these things is not like the other things...

These guys were smart - they bought out all the ad space at the train station in front of the convention center - interest sparked!

This one made me really happy - great game being ported to a newer system!

Another winner.

More from the Basara section - they actually had a historical exhibit of old Edo-period armor. Very cool.

My first bento - to be eaten at lunchtime tomorrow. I'm proud of myself for this one.

My bento box and chopstick compartment.

The front of my bento box.

The head of the Gundam that was until recently up in Odaiba. Unfortunately I was not able to get to see it before it was dismantled, but this is a good start, and word is that it will be reassembled, probably next summer.

And finally, as the giant Square Enix slime sets in the west on a perfect gaming day, we take our leave.