Wednesday, September 16, 2009


First meeting went great. I got a chance to go around and meet the entire team at Bravo, which is the umbrella organization under which BFS functions. Bravo provides programming (BTS/BFS) and music marketing (Yes Music, Energy 4 Fitness, Power Music, and SaiFam) and distribution within Japan. It is a fantastic organization that I am very excited to be a part of. I brought a little souvenir gift in the form of Tillamook Jerky and Hershey's Minatures along with me, and they were very appreciated. Six of us all went to lunch and talked about everything from fitness to anime to settling in Japan. It was a fantastic time. It sounds like once I get my work permit, I'll be able to do some writing work for the organizations website and newsletter - scripting out research and articles in English and then passing them on to be translated by another member of the team. It'll be a great job that I hopefully will be able to do well and cultivate some great experience this year. I'm looking forward to it with great gusto. There are also a couple of events coming up with BFS in the next couple weeks right here in the Tokyo area where some of our American trainers are coming over and presenting the new October releases in different programs. I'm going to be there, and it should be a great time.

Here's a picture of our group at lunch. Very spicy curry. Sitting to my right is my boss, John, who helped me get my start with this company last summer when I hosted our three clients from the Renaissance club.


1 comment:

  1. "sounds" like fun Ian!! LOL Get it?? AHAHAHA!! ... sorry, couldn't help it. ^_^
