Friday, September 18, 2009


Sorry there hasn't been an update in a couple days - but not much has happened. I've mostly been hanging around the house and watching anime, cooking, and taking things easy. I start school next Thursday, and so I want to enjoy this last bit of noncommitted time. Furthermore, the death of Mary Travers (of Peter, Paul, and Mary) came as a shock to me and I took all of yesterday off from mostly anything in memoriam. I'm feeling better today, but it's still a bit cloudy, you know?

On the lighter side of the news, my class schedule is squared away and I successfully cooked something that wasn't packaged and flash frozen. I cooked from SCRATCH! And it didn't turn out half bad. I made a beef, daikon, and bean sprout stew that's going to last me for several meals and tastes pretty good. It just needs a bit of salt for an accent. I think that if I don't have any invites from friends to do stuff tomorrow, I'm going to head out and enter the brave new world that is Akihabara Electic Town. I don't know how I'll fare or if I will be able to make it back - this place is the anime fan's equivalent of Shangri-La and I know it. I'll just have to be smart, leave my debit card at home, set a budget for myself, and play it out. Thankfully, I haven't received my stipend yet, so it's not at risk at all.

I say these things MOSTLY tongue-in-cheek. I hope that you give me credit for having some discretion when it comes to money.

Other than that, I had my academic advising interview today (went well), and that's about it. So, until I have something more interesting to talk about...



  1. kudos for cooking something delicious and non-packaged. the closest i can come to doing that at this point is scrambled eggs. oh, i can make toast too.

    have fun in anime land. glad to hear things are still going well (the death of mary aside...). miss you dude.

    - lauren

  2. Sounds like fun!! I hope you really are having fun Ian! And GOOD JOB!! You cooked from SCRATCH! What I would do to have mastered that skill better. lol It's probably going to go to seed since I'm not going to be prepping my meals in college though. too bad! Anyway, good job! ^_^
