Wednesday, September 9, 2009


By popular demand, here are some pictures of my room here in Otsuka.

This is the shorter wall facing the front of the house and the clothes-drying area in the front yard area. Sun drying for the win! The desk will be my primary written workspace once the school year begins. The entire floor is Japanese straw tatami mats, which make great flooring and give the room a pleasant, natural feel and smell.

This is the smaller of my bookshelves, the free little TV that I have in here, as well as a few personal embellishments and my big suitcase, which will soon be put away.

This is along the side of the room, where I have the triple-wide window. This table is very low to the ground but perfectly convenient and very comfortable to sit at and type/surf the net/etc. I have my little music station set up at the back corner, and it is just right for filling the room with song without disturbing the neighbors.

This is the gigantic closet. Located at the back of the room, it houses my bed during daytime hours (pictured center), as well as my coats, formalwear, most of my books (shelves built into the far right wall), and other assorted goodies. There's even another sliding-doored compartment above this pictured area!

And finally, the most important personal embellishment...

Kamina, Simon, and I all want YOU for the Dai Gurren Brigade! Don't believe in you, believe in us believing in you!


  1. Omigosh! These are AWESOME Ian!! I'm sure it's SOOOO much better in person though! eh heh.. jealous... maybe even green with envy.. Miss you too... I've been watching a lot of Death Note lately and been thinking "This would be so much better with Ian".

    Not that it isn't already great!! Oh my god, I've been analyzing it in my journal as I go along, and I've already wasted like 10 pages on it! There are probably more to go too... Still Death Note = Awesome. I might have to get really nerdy and buy both anime and monga... But I don't know? What is your opinion sir?

  2. What kind of clock/music setup is that?
