Thursday, October 22, 2009


Well world, I finally get some respect in the eyes of America. Japan beat them to it by a whole year.

As of 1 hour and 24 minutes prior to the typing of these words, the Earth completed it's 21st circuit around the sun since the time I was born. I am now officially completely out of the teenager status (as some relatives still believed I was a teen through age 20). Since I'm in a place where I've been able to do all the things a 21-year-old can do in America, it doesn't feel incredibly different from yesterday. Still, that's the way birthdays tend to be.

Still, I received more e-mails and cards from people all over the world than I could possibly have expected, along with a ton of Facebook greetings. I am SO feeling the love right now. Even though we're all over the place, it's still been a very happy birthday. AND it's not over yet- I'm having a little shinding with some friends at Hard Rock Cafe - Ueno Station tomorrow night after an all-day choir rehearsal, so that should be a really fun time. Celebrations on Thursday were also fun - my friend Dana called me out in class that it was my birthday despite my objections. (Hey, you got to, it's tradition ^_^), and we had a little bit of cake at the house afterward (pictured below). My housemate Clio even got me a little present - a case of chocolate cigars from Seibu - classy and tasty - win-win!

As far as presents go, I've ended up with some fantastic things. The biggest one for me is the jacket that I'm wearing in the pictures below. Anyone who can identify it in the comments section wins a cookie when I come home. Well, on with the photos.

Happy birthday!

And all of Harry Hill's people said...


Just like me!

The obligatory anime-style licking-the-knife picture. Sideways.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Ian!! >.< Gosh, I knew I should have read this post sooner! I'm late with my birthday wishes!! Anyway, I hope it was fantastic. ^_^
