Tuesday, October 6, 2009


This one is just a short notice to allay any fears you may have concocted due to recent weather information regarding Japan.

1.) Yes, a tropical storm is forecasted to hit the Tokyo metro area tomorrow night (approx. 24 hours from the publication of this post).

2.) No, you don't have anything to worry about - safety measures are being executed through Keio, Sakura House, and the US Embassy (just in case).

3.) This weather has been classified as a tropical storm, not a typhoon. I survived Hurricane Ike, I can deal with this.

4.) If at all possible, I will try to get some good pictures.

5.) 絶望した!

In other news, I am considering opening up a Twitter feed (yes, I know, it's self-subscription to big brother, yada yada yada...). I do have my reasons, though. I will still maintain the blog, but I have a feeling that were I to blog all of the events of the coming weeks in any amount of detail, it would essentially be a constant loop of waking up, going to school, coming home, doing homework, eating, watching Olbermann, and going to sleep. As such, I think that a Twitter feed would allow me to get out the basic quirks of the day without having to dedicate entire posts to what can be said in under 30 words. It's for your benefit as much as mine. More info to come.

Still getting used to having three different teachers for Japanese - especially when it now looks as though none of them are afraid of pulling any punches when it comes to minute details of work. The term 'grammar nazi' came to mind, but that's a bit harsh at this point. Still, this is a weak area for me in some respects, so it's going to take some extra work and probably decent amount of frustration and nitpicking, but it's something that must be done. I'll do it, but it's not going to be pretty.

Oh well - storm's a-brewing. Better go eat something.



  1. Wow, storms seem to follow you wherever you go.
    A "tropical storm" sounds kind of bad ass. Have fun and take good pictures. :D

    PS: I thought of you last night because I saw ZOMBIELAND! Dude. You need to see that movie. It's all kinds of epic. Bill Murray is even in it at one point. You will love it.

  2. Twitter, eh? Not sure I could sign up for that, but if its for the blog. lol
